Holiday cottages in Murcia with bbq  »   Holiday cottages  »   Murcia  »   Holiday cottages in Murcia with bbq

7 rural lodgings in Murcia with bbq


Casas Cloan Murcia
Holiday Housing with bbq in Murcia - Bullas

Sleeps: 4-30

Rental: Let

Price: 16 - 25 € by person

Alojamiento Simón Cehegín II Murcia
Holiday cottage with bbq in Murcia - Cehegín

Sleeps: 2-8

Rental: Let

Price: 37 € by person

Casa Grande Murcia
Holiday cottage with bbq in Murcia - La Copa

Sleeps: 2-10

Rental: Let

Price: 14 - 22 € by person

Los Medina Murcia
Holiday cottage with bbq in Murcia - Molina de Segura

Sleeps: 14

Rental: Let

Price: 18 € by person

C. R. La Risca I y II Murcia
Holiday cottage with bbq in Murcia - Moratalla

Sleeps: 6-14

Rental: Let

Price: 19 - 20 € by person

Casa Rural El Milano Murcia
Holiday cottage with bbq in Murcia - Bullas

Sleeps: 8-14

Rental: Let

Price: 20 - 28 € by person

C. R. Paraje de las Fuentes Murcia
Holiday cottage with bbq in Murcia - Caravaca de la Cruz

Sleeps: 10-16

Rental: Let

Price: 21 - 27 € by person