Holiday cottages in Pontevedra with bbq  »   Holiday cottages  »   Pontevedra  »   Holiday cottages in Pontevedra with bbq

5 rural lodgings in Pontevedra with bbq


Casa de Magina Pontevedra
Holiday cottage with bbq in Pontevedra - Ventín-Fornelos de Montes

Sleeps: 2-12

Rental: Both

Price: 21 - 26 € by person

Casa Goris Pontevedra
Holiday cottage with bbq in Pontevedra - Merza

Sleeps: 1-18

Rental: Room

Price: 25 € by person

Casa de Brea Pontevedra
Holiday cottage with bbq in Pontevedra - A Estrada

Sleeps: 4-24

Rental: Let

Price: 22 - 28 € by person

Casa Rural Os Carballos Pontevedra
Holiday cottage with bbq in Pontevedra - Barro

Sleeps: 1-13

Rental: Both

Price: 18 - 31 € by person

O Lagar Pontevedra
Country A. Tourist Housing with bbq in Pontevedra - Lantaño

Sleeps: 1-4

Rental: Let

Price: 18 - 25 € by person