Getting here:
First Stage-> Coming from the North of the Peninsula, from Salamanca on the A-66 to Cáceres, or from Madrid, the A-5, to Trujillo. Then take the A-58 to Caceres, and from Caceres the N-521 to Valencia de Alcántara.
• From Castilla La Mancha, Aragon, Catalonia and Levante by Madrid, following the same directions above.
• Customers come from Andalusia by Sevilla. Then take the A-66 towards Merida. At Exit 625, turn off on the A-5 towards Badajoz, take Exit 400 towards Caceres on the EX-100 and about 2km, take the EX-110 to Albuquerque, to San Vicente de Alcántara and Valencia de Alcántara.
Second Stage-> Once in Valencia de Alcántara, continue along the N-521 towards Portugal. 2km away is a turning to the left, signposted as Alcorneo, take it and Aceña de la Borrega is 8kms.
• From Portugal: If you come from the North, you can follow the IP6/A23, Exit 15 towards Portalegre on IP2 towards Alpalhão. Take the N245 and then the N246/N246-1 towards Marvão/Espahna.
From the South of Portugal on the IP2 to Portalegre and hence the N246-1 towards Marvão/Espahna.
In Spain, follow on the N-521 towards Cáceres. Past 2.8km, turn right towards Jola, and then Aceña de la Borrega.
• Address: Aceña de la Borrega s/n 10515 Valencia de Alcántara Cáceres
NOTE: This is only an outline, is not responsible for damages caused by any errors in this tab data.